Strategic Foresight Project for Georgetown Women’s Alliance


The Georgetown Women’s Alliance (GWA), a volunteer-run organization supporting women’s professional development, was facing challenges in how to prioritize its future initiatives.


  1. In the summer of 2020, I designed an independent study to execute a pro bono futurist project for GWA.

    • Together, we designed the project question: What will the GWA member of 2025 want and need in order to grow, learn, and thrive?

  2. I led GWA’s Steering Committee over several months of scenario planning exercises, informed by foresight methods and qualitative research methods.

  3. I produced a report with actionable takeaways, core recommendations, and a decision-making framework to guide GWA’s future initiatives.


At the conclusion of this project, Steering Committee members reported feeling more confident and empowered in their ability to chart a path forward in uncertainty.


“Kate Colwell's expert facilitation and substantial report has given the Georgetown Women's Alliance a clearer path to the future. From our collaborative brainstorming sessions, to the structured exercises that provided clearer understanding of priorities and trade-offs, to the integrative report that highlights potential partners, structures and initiatives to coalesce around gender equity, the strategic foresight process led by Kate has added tremendous value to our work. It is clear that with a broad and intentional view of the future, the Georgetown Women's Alliance can make better decisions and align our resources towards our goals more effectively. Kate has a clear talent for leading a diverse team toward a more ideal and strategic state.”

— Erika Cohen-Derr, President, Georgetown Women’s Alliance

GWA report graphic executive summary_web.png
Photo credit: Georgetown Women’s Alliance

Photo credit: Georgetown Women’s Alliance


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