Imagining Tourism in 2048


I was part of a Foresight Methods team at Georgetown that was curious about the wants and needs of future tourists.


  1. We conducted a delphi survey, created futures wheels, used backcasting, and performed horizon scanning.

  2. We planned four scenarios around the following critical uncertainties:

    • How will the world respond to the accelerating threat of climate change?

    • Will travel experiences in different parts of the world will become increasingly homogenous, or retain their distinctive characteristics?

  3. We worked together as a team to produce research papers and a presentation.


Our project was a wonderful learning experience, and a great team success. We earned full marks for the project. Dr. Amy Zalman gave the following feedback on the scenario planning document:

“This is beautifully done and you are to be congratulated on the coherence and teamwork that are evident in the flow of the entire document, the careful documentation throughout and the combination of empirical evidence and imagination at play.”

Download a PDF of “Imagining Tourism in 2048.”

Download our PowerPoint presentation, “Tourism in 2048.”

Graphic created by Jiaxin Liu for Team Tourism.

Graphic created by Jiaxin Liu for Team Tourism.


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