Public Relations Strategy for Friends of the Earth at the Paris Climate Talks


Friends of the Earth U.S., an environmental policy activist group, needed a strategy for how to generate press around the Paris Climate Agreement, which we anticipated would not set ambitious and binding goals for vulnerable populations.


  1. In preparation for the Paris Climate talks, I flew to meetings with Friends of the Earth network stakeholders in Brussels, Belgium and Lima, Peru to build a cohesive communications team and understand their individual perspectives.

  2. I spent months cultivating relationships with reporters who would attend the Conference of Parties (COP) or cover it remotely.

  3. While at the COP, I worked with our international colleagues on joint press releases and arranged dozens of interviews about climate justice and binding targets for Friends of the Earth’s U.S. President.


At the end of the climate talks, Friends of the Earth U.S. had earned more than 70 unique stories, an unprecedented achievement for the organization, and a major boon to the network.

Thanks to a strategic and nimble press strategy, I injected the organization’s perspective into mainstream ongoing coverage of the climate agreement outcomes.

Read my Medium post about the Paris Climate Agreement outcomes.

Photo credit: Victor Barro, Friends of the Earth International

Photo credit: Victor Barro, Friends of the Earth International


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